Every business is a digital business. Technology is your innovation engine, and delivering your applications faster helps you win. Historically, that required a lot of manual effort and complicated coordination. But Today, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) automates the provisioning of infrastructure, enabling your organization to develop, deploy, and scale cloud applications with greater speed, less risk, and reduced cost. Some popular IaC tools are HashiCorp Terraform, AWS Cloud Formation and Redhat Ansible.

HashiCorp Terraform

Terraform is an open source “Infrastructure as Code” tool, created by HashiCorp. It is a declarative coding tool which enables developers to use a high-level configuration language called HCL to describe the desired end-statecloud or on-premises infrastructure for running an application. It then generates a plan for reaching that end-state and executes the plan to provision the infrastructure.


Red Hat Ansible

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. The platform includes all the tools needed to implement enterprise-wide automation. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform elevates automation across your organization, expanding your possibilities. It’s a more secure, flexible foundation to build and deploy automation that helps your business accelerate, orchestrate, and innovate.
